Tragedy struck a young Dade City family, during the early morning hours of March 11th 2014, after the vehicle they were traveling in went through a stop sign and was struck by an oncoming semi truck. The accident took place at the intersection of Deen Still Road and State Road 33 in Polk County. The impact of the collision resulted in the family's vehicle being pinned underneath the trailer of the semi and dragged for approximately 400 feet. The 31-year-old driver of the vehicle, along with his 28-year-old wife and their 5-year-old son were all killed in the crash, while the couple's 7-year-old, 2-year-old and 3-month-old were transported to local hospitals and are all expected to have a full recovery from the injuries they sustained. According to reports, the 3-month-old was the only passenger who was properly restrained as none of the other family members were wearing seat belts at the time of the accident. The driver of the semi truck did not sustain any injury in the accident.
Truck accidents, particularly those which occur between semi trucks and smaller vehicles, are capable of causing serious injuries and sustainable loss. The size and weight of a truck alone is enough to cause substantial property damage, if not loss of life. If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in a truck accident, you may have grounds to file a lawsuit or claim to recover damages. An attorney from Smith & Stallworth, Attorneys at Law stands ready to assess the circumstances leading up to your accident and resultant injuries so as to advise you of your legal options. With our team on your side, you will have a much greater chance of attaining the outcome you seek. Our attorneys are all aggressive advocates for victims' rights and we have close to 30 years combined legal experience at your disposal. To find out what our firm can do for you, contact a Tampa personal injury attorney today.